Lil Gift from Mom

It's not a special thing, not an expensive one, also not a great gift... It's simply thing...

Ketika barang mahal atau indah tidak bisa digantikan oleh barang kecil yang mungkin dinilai tidak berharga bagi orang lain, tapi bagi gue barang kecil itu indah ketika niat tulus melandasi pemberiannya.

Like this afternoon, when ma mom came back from Solo, she bought three guide books of temple there. I didn't think of it until ma mom said, "these are for you, because you love reading books", I almost cried, "I bought it when I went to Prambanan."

Well, you know, it's simple. She didn't need it, but she brought it home just because she knew I love reading. I felt..hhmm..I didn't know, I just thought how deep her love was. Despite she gave some bracelets and a T-shirt but all of them couldn't be compared with the guide books, really.

I don't know whether you can feel what I feel or not :)(:

The Gift


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