TOURISM DRAMA ASSIGNMENT Kepariwisataan Name : Aulia H. Firstiyanti Class : 1 SA 02 Member : 1. Arsiwela 2. Aulia H. Firstiyanti 3. Cintya Meliza 4. Devianti Eka Lestari 5. Mery Christianti N 6. Okvianti Prihatin Goes to London There are three English Literature from Indonesia go to London, England for their study tour. They plan to visit three famous places in England such as Madame Tussaud Museum, Buckingham Palace, and London Eye. Firstly, they’ll visit Madame Tussaud Museum that It’s located in Marylebone Road. They go there by bus and they pay 4 pound sterling for the bus cost. At Madame Tussaud Museum… Cintya : “Hei…! Look. We’re already arrived.” Aulia : “Yup. What a big museum…!” Mery : “Let’s go inside. I can’t wait.” They’re entering to the museum after paying the ticket. Aulia : “Hei… there’...